High School Science Courses

Course Length: 2 Semesters
Credit per Semester: 5.0
This science course is designed to provide students with a foundation for the basic concepts of physical science including heat, light, and sound, Newton’s laws, the periodic table, physical and chemical properties, chemical bonding and reactions, atomic structure, and conservations of mass and energy. In the areas of earth and space sciences, students will explore the basic concepts of geology meteorology, astronomy space science, and oceanography.

Course Length: 2 Semesters
Credit per Semester: 5.0
This high school science course is designed to provide students with the key biological concepts to meet state and district standards. Investigation topics include cell structure and function, genetics, evolution, select body systems, and ecological interactions among organisms. Students will learn biology skills and processes including problem solving, critical thinking, and hands-on laboratory experiences.

Course Length: 2 Semesters
Credit per Semester: 5.0
This is a quantitative and descriptive science that deals with the composition of matter, the change of composition of matter, and the energy involved in the changes. Chemistry is also concerned with the properties and structure of matter. Instruction includes laboratory activities and problem-solving skills, which lead to increased interest in mathematics, sciences, and engineering, as well as preparation for college programs in these areas.