Finding the Right Fit: Charter Schools vs Traditional Public Schools

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Struggling with the age-old debate of whether you should enroll your child in a charter school vs a traditional public school?

According to a report released by the Keystone Policy Center, Colorado's elementary and middle school pupils who attended charter schools performed better in math and literacy throughout the pandemic than their counterparts at regular public schools, defying a national trend.

So, there are real benefits to attending charter schools, but first, let's see how a traditional school fares.


Differences between a Charter School and a Public School in Colorado Springs

Most traditional public schools follow the same course offerings and a district-designed curriculum regardless of location. Charter schools differ greatly from one institution to the next in terms of their curriculum, scheduling, methods of instruction, and other aspects. Moreover, they can design a personalized environment that meets the needs of particular student populations, including gifted children, youth at-risk, and special education recipients.

Luckily, you won't have to compare fees for a charter school vs a traditional public school, since they're both funded by tax-payer money. By offering more options for public education, chartered schools enable families to choose schools that may better suit their kids' requirements or learning preferences.

Some charter schools may have admission requirements that candidates must meet. However, public schools must admit all children residing in a specific area. These charter schools prioritize smaller classes for individualized attention, personalized learning, and strong teacher-student interactions. So, it can be worthwhile to consider a charter school if it prioritizes your child's specific area of interest or shares your pedagogical beliefs.


CIVA Charter High School: Best of Colorado Spring's Charter Schools

At CIVA, we practice Quantum learning to provide students with an experience that is more engaging and effective to prepare them for a college setting. For the past 26 years, we've been reaching this goal by offering Colorado Springs students small classes and a well-rounded education.

So, contact us today to see how your child can take the next step towards a brighter future.