Payment Center

Payments for the Activity Fee and other student fees, can be made with check, cash, credit card or through our Online Payment Center.

Click the name of the item you are paying from the list below and you will be taken to PayPal (all students fees or merchandise) or ShowTix4U (tickets to musicals or other events) to complete your payment.

PayPal Tip:  If you are paying for more than one fee/merchandise you can hit the "Continue Shopping" button on the PayPal site to be returned to this page, at which time you can add another item. You can repeat this process until all items are added. Your PayPal Shopping Cart will keep track of all items until you checkout.

Ride the Cyclone Musical :
Spring Jazz Band & Orchestra Concert (4/25) & All Choir (4/26) :
AP Exam Test : 97.00
2023-2024 Activity Fee : $250.00
2023-2024 Fall OLE : $250.00
Parking : $30.00
PE Uniform - Shorts : $15.00
PE Uniform - T-Shirt : $15.00
Donate to CIVA Arts Department :